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A lot can happen over a cup of coffee

Finding art in trash Challenge: #4

30 minutes of walking and running on the treadmill strangely induces a severe want of coffee. Strange, for I am a tea person. I head to the clubhouse, right opposite my gym, and make a strong cup of French Press for myself. And with the cup of caffeine in my hand, I head out for a leisurely walk, sipping a hot sip every now and then. Once done, I head back to the club house to dispose the cup. Only, I never dispose it. I bring it home, and start sketching a face on it, (Courtesy Jess Giambroni and his brilliant face illustrations for The Dieline) instead. A strange face, my husband notes. “Look at the nose,” he says. Now, I figure, I could either use it as a stand for spoons, or paintbrushes, or tooth brushes… OR, I could place the lid of the cocktail shaker on top of it and have a creepy face stare at us from the corner of the kitchen all day. Strange as things were that particular day, I calmly choose the latter.
